
Over the course of the year we will bring you a potluck of slow journalism, covering happenings in Stroud, local politics, social issues, cultural events and international awareness raising.
You will receive an email from us whenever an article is posted and depending on our writers this may be one to three times each week.
Nurturing writers
It is our mission at Amplify Stroud to promote and encourage new, young writing, to give people the chance to earn their first byline and to play our role in developing new writers alongside Dialect Stroud and Good on Paper. We're here to give writers a voice and as a reader you play a critical role in providing our writers with an audience.
Become a paying member
For as little as £5 per month you can help Amplify to grow - every 10 new members means that we can commission an article from a writer and pay them reasonably for their contributions.
Amplify Stroud is a non-profit-making enterprise and any money earned goes right back into the website, the writing and promotion of content.