1 min read

Silent Vigil outside MPs Office

The vigil was organised by Stroud Ceasefire Now Coalition to support the call to “all parties to immediately cease all military offensives and maintain restraint to prevent further escalation of violence that will only harm innocent civilians on all sides.”
Silent Vigil outside MPs Office
100s of people gather in Stroud to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

In the second Ceasefire vigil in a week, Stroud citizens of different faiths and none joined in silence to urge an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Stroud Ceasefire Now Coalition is supported by Community Solidarity Stroud DistrictStroud Against RacismStroud District Together With Refugees, The Ryse, Parents for Palestine and Stroud District Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

The 15-minute silent vigil was held outside the office of local MP Siobhan Baillie to urge her to support an immediate ceasefire and the release of all hostages along with the opening up of humanitarian relief for the people of Gaza. Members of the Green partyLabour, Independent Left and Community Independents were all there to join in the call for peace.

Local councillor Robin Layfield, closing the silent vigil, said: “We stand silently and peacefully holding candles outside our local MP’s office to call for an end to the violence, an end to the bloodshed, an end to the needless deaths of children who are utterly innocent.

“Gaza urgently needs humanitarian relief, not a blockade of food, water, power, medical supplies and the constant threat of heavy bombardment.

“We condemn all violence against civilians and call on the UK government to demand an immediate ceasefire. We call on our MP and all local politicians to support these simple demands for peace.”

Cllr Layfield, responding afterwards on behalf of Stroud Ceasefire Now Coalition to comments from Siobhan Baillie MP said that the group condemns unequivocally all violence, including that of Hamas. “We call for an immediate ceasefire and the release of all hostages," he said.

"This is not a conflict that can be solved by military means. It needs a political solution.

"We cannot stand idly by and watch as our government provides diplomatic cover for war crimes: collective punishment and the forced displacement of millions of people.

“Join our call for a #ceasefirenow, sign the Open Letter, sign the Oxfam petition," he added.
