High court rules that Gloucestershire County Council concealed £600 million incinerator contract for three years
By Amplify Stroud
Community R4C wins key High Court finding against Gloucestershire County Council in Javelin Park incinerator case.
The house where I was born
By Ben Norris
Spring and summer are the two seasons in which Stroud and its valleys best resemble the vivid
A Chance to Learn: our response to the SDC Monitoring Officer's verdict on Debbie Young
By Jamie O’Dell
The following is an opinion piece in response to an ongoing situation: all views are honestly-held.
#Build Back Better | The Green New Deal
By Beth Wilson
What lessons have we learnt about our relationship with the environment in lockdown? What can we apply
Reactionary responses to Black Lives Matter
By Sean Buckley
The popularity of the Black Lives Matter cause has steadily risen since its reappearance on the streets
Homes and hospitals: the real impact of Covid-19 on local healthcare
By Oisin Hayden Burrell
Coronavirus has fallen out of the public spotlight at the moment, albeit for a hugely valid
It's time to retire the phrase 'All Lives Matter'
By Amplify Stroud
In the wake of the murder of George Floyd, and the resultant protests across the U.S,
The beat goes on: Stroud Lockdown Radio keeps the community dancing
This is the first post in the Amplify Vibes series, where we take a break from political discussion to look
Us and them: the disconnect between national and local government has never been clearer
By Ben Norris
On May 21, the Cotswold District Council sent out a press release warned that tourism is still
Stroud, Fake News and Conspiracies
By Sean Buckley
Stroud has a reputation as a hub for various green movements. With the success and international recognition