Sudan: Understanding the Crisis
Former Stroud MP David Drew explains the civil war unfolding in Sudan and remembers his experiences of the troubled country.
Marking a Year of Genocide in Gaza
Full text of a speech given at the Stroud Ceasefire Now vigil on Friday 4 October
“Feet” — Dance as an act of Resistance
Stroud, with its rolling hills and rich artistic heritage, provides a fertile ground for Boss Morris. They draw upon local traditions, folklore, and the natural environment, infusing their dances with a sense of the land's history and spirit.
Letter to the Editor — Hitler apologist is standing to be Stroud's MP
Cheltenham-based Saskia Whitfield - who is being promoted by The Light - is standing in Stroud as an independent candidate for Parliament. A look into her social media reveals a deeply ingrained pattern of homophobic and antisemitic values.
Deepfakes and Democracy
A DEEPFAKE IS A piece of media: a photograph, an audio clip, a video that has been synthetically generated using computational power to provide a convincing depiction of a well-known person making a statement or action that is damaging to themselves, their reputation or their platform.